Noi…giovani “smart” DEL 21esimo secolo

Il 12 gennaio 2020 noi ragazzi dell’Istituto “Acciaiuoli-Einaudi” siamo partiti per Monaco di Baviera in Germania per partecipare al progetto Erasmus+ KA229  ”Smart Schools of 21st Century” in compagnia delle professoresse Romina Marchesani e Sabina Campanella.

Durante il volo eravamo emozionatissimi e per alcuni di noi era anche la prima volta su un aereo, quindi si avvertiva un filo di tensione; nonostante questo, tutto è andato nel migliore dei modi.

Once we arrived in Germany we met two of our German partners who took us into the center of Munich where we met the other partners.

It has been a very beautiful experience because we have visited many places like St. Peter Church, the Munchen Marienplatz, the Residenz of the King, the Bayerische Staatsoper, the Neuschwanstein Castle, the BMW’s factory and the Olympia Tower.

Our partners were very cool and sociable with us and they helped us moving into the city and satisfied all our requests.

Every day we went to the school in different ways, for example someone by metro, someone on foot, by bicycle (Flavio Zappetti) and by car.

Their lifestyle is very different from ours in Italy and because of this we learnt a lot about German culture.

We have spent much time with the other guys from Turkey, Poland and Romania and we all became friends with them. Thanks to the very first activity at school – the presentation of our works related to the topic of the project – we had the chance to know the education systems in Germany, Turkey, Romania and Poland, and the places from where our partners come from. It has been amazing to talk in English in front of so many people!!!

During the week we had some courses about technology and we learnt four different IT programs:

  • Power Point
  • Kahoot
  • iMovie
  • AKK app

The project was designed to respond to two identified basic needs in all partner schools: the need to boost our motivation and, consequently, our learning results as well as the need to promote intercultural dialogue among people from different countries and backgrounds. It means that as students we have to be more involved in our own learning processes with technology – based learning strategies.

Using software applications is both a pretext and a context for us to come together and collaborate because, so far, the computer appears to be the only common language we speak irrespective of our background. Computer work will thus become a catalyst for different categories of individuals who will become part of the SMART school network.

In conclusion it  has been a very cool experience that signed us in our hearts. We hope that we could repeat this stunning experience all together.

Thanks to our headmistress, prof.ssa Angela Potenza and all our teachers who gave us the possibility to work all together for the first time in the history of this Institute, ITC – IPSIA –  ITN, for the realization of this important project.

Sabrina De Acetis, Linda Nardinocchi

Flavio Zappetti, Lorenzo Marino

Xhesi Maloku, Petrit Merdita

On the last day of the week (Friday 17th January) that we were in Munich we went to visit the famous BMW car factory. As soon as we arrived we entered the museum and we were free to go around and to see the magnificent cars on display; from the most ancient to the most recent; from the smallest to the most majestic. When the guide arrived we entered the real factory. In the first part of the factory we saw a big shed inside where there were many robots working and building the engine parts, assembling the bodywork and the chassis of the cars. We moved on to another shed where there were all the accessories for the machines and the machine frames were coloured. Finally we went to the last part where the machines were assembled with all the accessories and were ready to be sold. It was a very interesting experience, because it allowed us to understand how a factory works and put us in touch with what our future work could be. Thanks to teacher Campanella we were able to participate in this project and participate in this wonderful experience.

Lorenzo Marino


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