IPSIA+ITC: Erasmus Project “Rightful Perception of Reality”

IPSIA G.Marconi and ITC L. Einaudi are living a very interesting week taking part in the  virtual mobility of the Erasmus Project “Rightful perception of reality” Erasmus+ KA229”  hosted by the Spanish partners in Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain.

The Italian team is composed by 15 students and 4 teachers:

Sara e Silvia Capuzzimato, Matteo Carafa, Fabiana Zappalorto, Marika Rapino, Lorenzo Curti, Mattia Di Giuseppe, Marianna Guai, Alessio Pezzella, Daniele Dolce, Andreas Shtrepi, Manuel Di Benedetto, Liviu Buca, Denise Del Rossi, Anna Boschi prof. Daniele Cocco, prof.ssa Alessia Lotti,  prof.ssa Danila Rodolfo e prof.ssa Romina Marchesani.
The partner countries are: Spain 🇪🇸 Portugal 🇵🇹 Greece 🇬🇷 and Turkey 🇹🇷.
The local communities through their voluntary associations have a major role in the support and protection of the most vulnerable citizens. IPSIA and ITC students presented two important associations located in Ortona : Anffas and Donn’è which work everyday developing a great job helping out those who are more vulnerable and are facing serious problems.  Very proud of all the students’ contributions!!!


Author: redazione

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  1. È stata un’occasione molto importante ma soprattutto uno scalino di crescita, sia dal punto culturale che scolastico. In queste poche lezioni ho sentito nuove lingue, ho visto nuovi modi di vestire e sentito nuove musiche,anche se a distanza mi sono sentito far parte di un’altra etnia nonostante rappresentassi l’Abruzzo

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    • 💕🇮🇹💕

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  2. Ringrazio per avermi fatto rendere partecipe di questo bellissimo progetto, anche se virtuale, mi ha fatto scoprire tante belle cose!!

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