Our amazing “virtual” week with Erasmus

Rightful Perception of Reality, progetto Erasmus+ KA229 che vede piacevolmente coinvolti da due anni IPSIA “G.Marconi” e ITC “Luigi Einaudi”, ha appena visto concludersi  la sua penultima mobilità virtuale in Spagna con la scuola di San Lucar de Barrameda.

I 15 studenti coinvolti hanno seguito e preso attivamente parte alle working session  per 5 giorni dall’8 al 12 marzo 2021. Momenti indimenticabili hanno permesso loro di avere una percezione diversa e più profonda della realtà che li circonda.

Il team dei docenti coinvolti ringrazia per la serietà, l’impegno, la dedizione e puntualità dimostrati da tutti gli studenti coinvolti. Very proud of you!!! ❤️🇮🇹❤️

Di seguito le impressioni degli studenti.


This first experience of Erasmus+ virtual mobility has allowed us to socialize and learn new things. It was my first participation and I absolutely recommend it to all those who want to improve knowledges and skills. Andreas Shtrepi


I was honored to be part of this Erasmus project, because even if different from usual mobilities, it stimulated  my  curiosity about habits  and traditions of other partner  countries.  I am writing to thank my teachers for allowing me to be part of this wonderful group and for letting us to socialize with other guys .  Anna Boschi


This Erasmus project and the topic we worked on made me understand that despite the uncomfortable circumstances we are living, we are still able to share constructive moments. I am happy for my participation even if it has been virtual because this means that we have managed something that many people around us thought was absolutely impossible to do. But…we did it!!!  We lived great moments of sharing and I realized that although languages ​​and cultures are different we all have dreams and desires in common.  Surely this week has made us even more aware for future experiences that we are going to live very very soon. Denise Del Rossi


Last week I took part in the Virtual Mobility of the project Rightful Perception of Reality, which involved an exchange of information and good practices of learning from a multicultural point of view between various countries. I have been very enthusiastic about my participation being very unusual to practice English for long time. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was not possible to have closer interactions among us,but  after all I found the project very exciting, very interesting in relation to the topics. I will be happy to have such experiences again. Daniele Dolce


This experience was unique even if from a distance, it introduced me to many people who have the same passions and hobbies as me. It make me aware of different places, different traditions, and different foods. Students I met  have been very warm, patient and understanding. It was very interesting and beautiful. I hope that at the end of this pandemic, we will be able to present our works, researches and surveys face to face. Marianna Guai


This fantastic project that kept us “happily busy” for 5 days during last week has been one of the most interesting and exciting experience I have ever had. I hope there will still be many more occasions and I really can’t wait to meet the fantastic people I have met this time, both students and teachers.  I love Erasmus+. Fabiana Zappalorto


So.. what can I say? it has been really strange for me to take part in  this project in this modality  due to Covid-19 restrictions. At the same time this is the best and most powerful  experience I had in this school. It has been really good to know other people, I appreciated so much all the things that other nations showed us. I really loved the things we prepared for the project, the topics were very interesting and engaging. I hope, that next year we will have the chance  to visit all our new friends in a safe condition.

In conclusion I want to say that this type of experience makes me want  to travel abroad. I will do this for sure in my  future!!! A special “thank you” to the teachers who  have made this experience possible, working hard even during the  weekend. Buca Liviu


First of all, I would like to say thank you to my teacher Romina Marchesani  for proposing me this virtual mobility. It has been a very constructive experience that allowed me to get in contact with different cultures, people with different habits (as we saw in presentation videos) and with different styles of teaching/learning. I am happy because this experience because I had the chance to go  beyond my comfort zone, beyond my fears… I have overcome my shyness. I am very grateful for this, I’m sure this is just the beginning. Thanks again to the teachers, the guys and Erasmus+!!! Love you, Mattia Di Giuseppe


What can i Say… This Project has been very interesting maybe because we are forced to stay at home due to the pandemic.  It has been quite funny and curious for many reasons. We learnt something about each country and even something about each other. This is the power of Erasmus+!!!  Next year I will do my best to take part to Erasmus+ projects. And last but not least my desire is to thank all the teachers that made it possible.

With love, Manuel Di Benedetto



It was a nice experience different from normal lessons.  For me it has been  the first occasion in Erasmus+ and I have to confess  I was a bit worried for my shyness. It has been an amazing, nice, fun, different and constructive week. I am proud of myself because of my participation. Lorenzo Curti


This week we had an experience that has gone beyond our expectations.  Erasmus from distance didn’t seem exciting, but we had to reclaim ourselves and we were more than happy to share this experience  with other peers of other nationalities. It has been  instructive and pleasant and at the same time innovative, a different way of discovering new countries, new habits and customs. Silvia and Sara


This Erasmus project has been  very nice and interesting because it allowed us to get in touch with people, places and traditions of other countries even if not face to face  but only virtually.

Another reason why I had been very happy was the fact that  on my 16 birthday all 5 countries organized a surprise for me, they wished me Happy Birthday in their own languages with their songs. I really appreciated!!! It’s not usual to listen and see 120 people singing in different languages Happy Birthday!!!  Matteo Carafa


Thank you all for giving us the opportunity to take part in this virtual mobility for Erasmus+ project Rightful Perception of Reality. It has been a really good experience, I had a lot of fun, but above all I learned a lot of new things.  I hope to have the chance to repeat this wonderful experience again. Marika Rapino


È stata un’occasione molto importante ma soprattutto uno scalino di crescita, sia dal punto culturale che scolastico. In queste poche lezioni ho sentito nuove lingue, ho visto nuovi modi di vestire e nuove musiche, anche se a distanza mi sono sentito far parte di un’altra etnia nonostante rappresentassi l’Abruzzo e Ortona. Alessio Pezzella

Author: redazione

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  1. What a great opportunity for our students to experience and get to know the World! Congratulations to you all !

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    • Thanks, my dear!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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