Progetto Erasmus: viaggio in Slovenia

This school year we have participated to an Erasmus project in Slovenia from 23 to 28 January.The  project ‘ s name Is” Friend me ; Don’ t bully me!!”

We left from the Rome-Fiumicino airport at 2:20 pm, at 3:45 pm we landed in Zagreb in Croatia.

After check-out a bus took us to the hotel, in Brezice, after passing the controls on the border between Croatia and Slovenia.

January 24

After breakfast we reached the school for the meeting with the Slovenian school Principal and the introduction to the cultural program, and after the presentation of the Slovenian school system, we visited the school.

The school has differenti facilities :  3 gyms, 2 computer rooms, 2 canteens, classrooms for children with special needs; the rest of the classrooms were divided according to the subject (mathematics, history, chemistry …).

After lunch in the school canteen, we met the other Erasmus ‘ students.

In the afternoon we visited Jelenov greben, where we fed the deers, visited the chocolate house and the Olimje monastery, where a guide told us its history. We had dinner and went back to the Hotel.

January 25

After breakfast we participated in workshops in Slovenia and Romania, divided into mixed groups.

In the afternoon, we went to the Čatež water park, an indoor water park.

January 26

After breakfast we took a bus that took us to visit Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Here we visited the castle of Ljubljana, where the Italian soldiers destined to die in the sinkholes were imprisoned.

Then we took a boat trip on the Ljubljanica river which runs through the capital. Over the course of history, many peoples including the Romans built bridges there.

January 27

in the morning we participated in the workshops of Turkey and Greece and in the afternoon we visited the castle and the museum of Brezice. After dinner we had a party together with all the Erasmus participants.

January 28

Arrived at school, during the morning we presented our workshop on the theme of bullying, described the city of Ortona and showed a popular ballet: the “saltarello”. In the afternoon we headed to a shopping center in Zagreb to make the covid tests and to have lunch. At 8:40 pm we left from Zagreb airport, to land at 10:10 pm at Fiumicino airport.

It was a beautiful project, we had the opportunity to come in touch with cultures different from ours and to live new experiences that we will never forget. We thank prof Campanella Sabina, prof Piermatteo Carmelita and prof Arpa Alberto who accompanied us.

Author: redazione

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