Our amazing “virtual” week with Erasmus
Rightful Perception of Reality, progetto Erasmus+ KA229 che vede piacevolmente coinvolti da due anni IPSIA “G.Marconi” e ITC “Luigi Einaudi”, ha appena visto concludersi la sua penultima mobilità virtuale in Spagna con la scuola di San Lucar de Barrameda. I 15 studenti coinvolti hanno seguito e preso attivamente parte alle working session per 5 giorni dall’8 al 12 marzo 2021. Momenti indimenticabili hanno permesso loro di avere una...
IPSIA+ITC: Erasmus Project “Rightful Perception of Reality”
IPSIA G.Marconi and ITC L. Einaudi are living a very interesting week taking part in the virtual mobility of the Erasmus Project “Rightful perception of reality” Erasmus+ KA229” hosted by the Spanish partners in Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain. The Italian team is composed by 15 students and 4 teachers: Sara e Silvia Capuzzimato, Matteo Carafa, Fabiana Zappalorto, Marika Rapino, Lorenzo Curti, Mattia Di Giuseppe, Marianna...
Erasmus+ KA229 IPSIA+ITN:Our 3rd Online Workshop
In order to mark Safer Internet Day, we have decided to organize our third online workshop on the topic of media literacy as a part of our project Media Smart Citizens of Future but this time, just for our partner and guest teachers. The workshop Media Literacy in Teacher Education was conducted by our Croatian partners, Helga Kraljik and Ankica Šarić. Although media literacy is a pretty extensive topic, we managed to get a general...
Erasmus+ KA229 Ipsia “G.Marconi” – Itn “Leone Acciaiuoli”: The Show Must Go On…
New year, new workshop. While we wait for better days, we go on with our transnational workshops. The latest was held online last Thursday, January 14, under the tile “We Don’t Need No Ads…Or Do We?”. A group of ca. 25 enthusiastic students of the five participating countries reflected on the influence of ads in their lives and how it can be avoided, thus becoming more aware citizens and using their critical...
Our Milieu Through Our Camera: un nuovo progetto Erasmus per l’ITC
Primo incontro Erasmus, lunedì 21/12/2020, prima della chiusura delle attività scolastiche per le vacanze natalizie. Un Erasmus “diverso”, che inizia il suo cammino in rete e non prevede, per il momento, le mobilità. Coinvolgere i ragazzi e trovare buona accoglienza e collaborazione ha rappresentato una vera e propria sfida. Che, a quanto pare, per il momento, è stata vittoriosa: gli alunni dell’ITC hanno affrontato l’inizio di questo...
ERASMUS+ KA229 Media Smart Citizens of Future
Thursday, December 10th, 2020 Our 1st Online Project Workshop on Fake News Was Actualized Without slowing down, we have got our virtual project activities started although we cannot realize our physical mobilities. Our first online project workshop was realized under the coordinatorship of Lithuania. Jovita Žilinskienė and her American English teaching assistant Megan Rohn hosted for the online meeting on fake news. As is known, we...
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